Message from Year 6 & Booster Sessions | News | The Ryleys School, a private school in Cheshire

Message from Year 6

Year 6 presented their own thank you message in assembly this week using their fantastic literary skills to get their point across. Well done!

"These last two weeks we have done our exams.
We’ve completed comprehensions and questions about parallelograms.
We have all tried our best, we’ve focused and listened and all been put to the test!
We stand before you today to say thank you!
To all our wonderful teachers and the best parental crew.
You’ve helped us along the way, settled our nerves and helped us grow and develop every day.
Some of us are not here today, they’re sitting their last assessment,
But we know they feel the same way about having us as a Ryleys investment.
From reception to year six Every teacher has been in the mix.
Adding to our journey and success We all feel incredibly blessed.
The Ryleys really does prepare us for life, With a quiet confidence we tackle all strife!
We are all committed team players! With a desire to learn that is built on layers!
We all promote a generosity of spirit!
While accepting a global perspective and defying all limits!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
We couldn't have done it without you!

Booster Sessions

Just as our current Year 6 pupils are in the middle of their Senior School admissions interviews, our ambitious Year 5 pupils have begun our tried and tested preparation programme which will give them the confidence and skills required to apply for the Senior Schools of their choice.

One part of this is our English Booster Sessions with Mrs Hague which help the pupils understand the styles of questions to expect when sitting Senior School entrance exams. The class loved their first session and are looking for- ward to these continuing over the coming year alongside a Maths booster session with Mr Tadman. We are proud to offer these sessions included as part of our school provision and are thrilled to see such high attendance to these effective lessons.

booster sessions for senior school preparation at The Ryleys School, a Prep School near Cheadle Hulme

Senior School Preparations:

  • Weekly English Booster Sessions from Year 5
  • Weekly Maths Booster Sessions from Year 5
  • Verbal Reasoning Booster Sessions from Year 5
  • Non-Verbal Reasoning Booster Sessions from Year 5 Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning Lessons from Year 3
  • Interview Practice in Year 6
  • Early Intervention Programme
  • Additional parents meetings throughout the assessment period Open Door policy for all families
  • Professional partnerships with all local Senior Schools