Admissions | Early Years & Preparatory | The Ryleys School | Boys & Girls Private School In Cheshire


We warmly invite you to visit The Ryleys School and discover all of the wonderful academic and extra-curricular opportunities available to your child. 

Every child at The Ryleys School benefits from specialist teaching with an exceptional, highly experienced team of teachers. Pupils receive lessons in Maths and English as well as specialist teaching in Science, French, Music, PE and Art. Every child benefits from small class sizes and the fantastic facilities.

Admissions Process 

On the whole, the application process for The Ryleys School begins 12 -18 months prior to the start date. We encourage all interested families to plan ahead to avoid disappointment.

The Ryleys School does not select pupils on the basis of academic ability alone.  Admission is based upon academic suitability which is assessed through informal assessment on the taster day and an informal interview with the Headteacher to assess character.  A taster day is required for all pupils from Reception upwards.  In some instances, references from the candidate’s previous school may be sought or a school report requested.  Our admissions process is designed to identify pupils who are able to benefit from our balanced and well rounded education and to make a positive contribution towards the life of the school.

Pupils usually enter The Ryleys School at age 1 or 4 (Nursery/Reception) but children may enter the school at any age providing places are available.   In Early Years, we care for children between the ages of twelve months and four years of age, and the numbers and ages of children admitted to the setting comply with the legal space requirements set out in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). When considering admissions, we are mindful of staff: child ratios and the facilities available at the setting.


Assessment Process 

The aim of the process is to identify potential.  We are looking for well-rounded pupils with a genuine interest in education in the broadest sense of the word, with interests that stretch beyond the confines of the academic curriculum.  The school has strong traditions in music, drama, art and sport.  There are many extra-curricular activities, all of which are important in developing a well-balanced, confident individual.

We do not assess candidates for entry who are below the age of 4 though we do expect that prospective parents will bring their child on a visit for an informal meeting to check suitability for admission.

Potential candidates who are not automatically moving into main school from our Early Years Department attend a taster day so that informal assessments within the classroom environment can be regarding their suitability for a place at the school.  If appropriate, a more formal English and maths assessment may be given, depending on the child’s age.

admission steps - Early years
  • Register interest
  • Attend a personal tour 
  • Confirm availability  
  • Return of the signed contract and surety deposit secures the place
  • All Early Years pupils are automatically moved up to the next year group and have future year places guaranteed
admission steps - RECEPTION TO YEAR 6
  • Register interest
  • Attend a personal tour
  • Confirm availability
  • Attend a Preparatory School Taster Day - children entering the school from Reception to Year 6  will be invited for a Taster Day to experience the school and enjoy a range of lessons. The teacher will complete an informal assessment in reading, writing and maths
  • Following the Tour / Taster Day, a place will be offered if the school sees that the child will thrive within the school and make a valuable contribution to school life
  • Return of the signed contract and surety deposit secures the place

Waiting List

Should the year group you wish your child to enter be full, then pupil details will be added to a waiting list and parents contacted as soon as a place becomes available. 

Places will usually be offered on a first-come, first-served basis if there are places available within the age group.  If there is a waiting list, the setting will use the following admission criteria which will be applied in the following order of priority:

  1. Children who have siblings already attending the main school
  2. Children who will be proceeding into the main school
  3. Children currently attending who are increasing their sessions

A child requiring a full-time place may take priority over one requiring a part-time place, and bookings for all year round will take priority over term-time only bookings.

Contact Admissions

Our admissions team is available to answer any questions you may have, and to assist you in any way we can, so that choosing a school for your child is an exciting and enjoyable experience.