Destination Schools After The Ryleys | Preparatory School | The Ryleys School | Boys & Girls Private School In Cheshire

Destination Schools

Once your child has completed their journey with The Ryleys School there are a vast array of excellent schools to choose from.  We work with each family to identify the one that suits their emerging talents and passions.

At the end of Year 6 pupils typically have a choice of 2 senior school places.

Over the past 5 years, the most popular choices of Senior Schools have been: Other schools of choice have included:
  • Cheadle Hulme School – 27%
  • Kings Macclesfield – 23%
  • Manchester Grammar School – 13%
  • Stockport Grammar – 10%
  • St Bedes – 10%
  • Withington Girls School
  • Alderley Edge School For Girls
  • Altrincham Grammar School (girls and boys)
  • Manchester High School For Girls
  • Loreto Grammar
  • The Grange
  • Hulme Hall

Destination Schools 5 Year Average:

Destination Schools in 2024:

"Ryleys pupils are full of energy and enthusiasm – we are always delighted to welcome them to Stockport Grammar on their many visits for sports, maths and art competitions. When they join Stockport Grammar as pupils, they are ready and raring to go – happy to join our welcoming school community and engage in an exciting array of personal development and co-curricular opportunities. When they move on again, into the wider world of university and work, our small class sizes and dedicated teachers have prepared them well with exceptional academic results and the confidence to succeed."

Rachel Horsford, Stockport Grammar School

Stockport Grammar School

"Every year boys from The Ryleys, who join MGS, go on to flourish at the school. They enjoy making the most of the many academic and co-curricular opportunities available to them and go on to gain places at some of the country’s top universities."

Daniel Virr, Manchester Grammar School

Manchester Grammar School

“We have always found that girls from The Ryleys School settle into Alderley Edge School for Girls extremely well. As a school, we share the same values as The Ryleys placing equal importance on our challenging, innovative curriculum, our rich and extensive extra-curricular programme all while providing a supportive, nurturing and most importantly happy environment in which to learn.

We have found that girls from The Ryleys thrive within our all girls’ environment which allows them to explore their passions. Whether that be STEM, the arts, sport, music or drama, we provide them with many opportunities to develop their confidence and flourish as strong women ready to take on the challenges of a 21st century workplace.”

Charlotte Talbot, Alderley Edge School For Girls

Alderley Edge School For Girls

"Those sitting external examinations for secondary schools achieve a high rate of success in gaining entry to their school of choice, including schools with a highly selective entry criteria."


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Interactive Destination Schools Map

Please use the below map to see where our most popular destination schools are located.

Learn More About Our Destination Schools

Please take the time to visit the websites of our key destination schools, linked in the following table, to find out more about their offerings for your child once they move to secondary.