Curriculum | Early Years at The Ryleys School | Private School In Cheshire

Early Years Curriculum

In The Ryleys School Early Years department, we educate and nurture the whole child by following the EYFS Framework as guidance. Each day, the seven areas of learning will be incorporated into a range of exciting and appropriately challenging, every-day play activities.

The 7 areas of learning are as follows:

  • Communication and Language
  • Physical Development
  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development
  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Expressive Arts and Design
  • Understanding The World

 OptimisedImage,Optimised,Early Years,Pre-Reception

Specialist Teaching

Each and every day, the children enjoy some form of specialist teaching. This includes:

  •  French
  •  Music
  •  Stretch-n-Grow
  •  Mini Sports
  •  Swimming (Pre-Reception only)
  •  Forest School
  •  Baby Sensory
  •  Dance
  •  P.E.

Specialist teaching at The Ryleys School starts right from when your child enters the Nursery, Pre-School and Pre-Reception and they will be taught French by our French and Italian teacher. The children will enjoy songs and will take part in introductory French conversation.

The children will also enjoy a weekly music class with our school music teacher and, in Pre-Reception, they will have a weekly P.E lesson with the school P.E. teacher.

There are, in addition, extra activities the children can take part in such as a dance lesson and Mini Sports, both of which take part within the school day.

Our aim is to ensure that every child has the chance to explore the widest possible range of opportunities to help them discover what inspires and motivates them, whilst providing them with the very best foundation for future success.


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