After The Ryleys | Destination Schools | Preparatory School | The Ryleys School | Boys & Girls Private School In Cheshire

The Right Senior School for Your Child

The Ryleys School prides itself on the quality of the guidance it offers parents when it comes to choosing the right senior school for your child.

We are highly successful in gaining places for children at their chosen senior school with pupils on average have the choice of at least 2 offers following a successful entrance exam and interview process.

Exceptional Preparation

With the end goal being entry into the most popular senior schools, our curriculum is designed so that the foundations are laid early on in our pupils’ education, with preparation becoming more rigorous as the children move through each year.  The curriculum includes focused examination preparation in Year 5 and 6 with enhanced exam preparation in verbal reasoning, nonverbal reasoning and numerical reasoning. It is a formula devised over many years to enable children to access the right school for them and we are proud to have a successful and recognised track record of success.

Unbiased Advice

We have close working relationships with the head teachers and admissions departments of all the local Senior Schools and are completely impartial in our views.  This neutral standpoint enables us to objectively work with parents and pupils to identify the ideal Senior School of choice based on our detailed knowledge of the individual pupil’s strengths.

A Prep School pupil conducting a science experiment with his teacher at The Ryleys School, a private school in Cheshire.

Key Points

  • 26% of pupils receive academic, music or sports scholarships
  • Parent and Head teacher meetings are held in Year 5 and 6 to support the school selection process
  • Our school maintains close working relationships with all the local Senior Schools
  • Curriculum includes verbal reasoning, non-verbal reasoning (Year 3 – 6) and 4 hours per week of exam coaching sessions for Year 6 pupils

"I have taught in a number of prestigious independent schools for over 20 years and truly believe the Senior School preparation at The Ryleys School is exceptional. I'm proud to have the opportunity to coach our older pupils and to help families identify the ideal choice of school from Year 7 onwards. We use a variety of teaching methods which have a proven track record in enabling our pupils to achieve their absolute best and deliver a high degree of exam success.

Watching the pupils grow in maturity and independence while forging their own path based on their unique strengths, makes my role extremely rewarding. Whether they choose to pursue a career in business, the arts, sports or something entirely unique, the lifelong love of learning which will drive their success, started here, and I am proud to play a part in that for generations to come."

Mrs Hague, English Teacher

Mrs Hague, a teacher at The Ryleys School, a private school in Cheshire

"As a specialist Maths teacher with over 20 years of teaching and supporting Year 5 & 6 pupils, I feel proud of the tremendous achievements made by The Ryleys pupils each year.

Whilst not forgetting the importance of a balanced education, the additional support given to our oldest pupils to support their school selection and application process is second to none. Our small class sizes, specialist teaching, solid foundation set from the Pre Prep years and in-depth knowledge of the senior schools entrance exam process, enables our pupils to select the right school for them and achieve brilliant results year after year."

Mr Tadman, Head Of Maths

Mr Tadman, a teacher at The Rleys School, a private school in Cheshire

Destination schools

The Ryleys School has close relationships with all local senior schools and we are a well-established route for children to select their ideal next step.

"We always enjoy welcoming pupils from The Ryleys School. We feel it is the perfect stepping stone to transition into our vibrant and dynamic senior school, where pupils foster an ethos that aligns with our values and culture.

The Cheadle Hulme School experience embodies our Academic, Active and Altruistic principles, ensuring a well-rounded education that enables our students to excel not only during their time with us but also in their life beyond school."

sophie hall - cheadle hulme school


Learn more about the pathway to our destination schools.

Destination Schools

Prep School student playing piano in music lesson at The Ryleys School, a private school in Cheshire

Alumni Stories

Joss Naylor, a recent graduate from The Ryleys School, an independent school in CheshireThe Ryleys School is proud of everything that our pupils achieve, while they're with us and after they graduate.

Hear from some of our alumni, young and old, to find out how The Ryleys School helped them on their journey.

Alumni Stories