Contact The Ryleys School | Early Years & Preparatory School | Leading Boys & Girls Private School In Cheshire

Contact Us

The school is open 50 weeks per year in the Early Years setting from 7.30am - 6pm.

The Ryleys School office is open from 8am - 5.30pm Monday to Friday during term time. During school holidays, the reception is manned on reduced hours.

Phone: 01625 583241

You can contact our Head Teacher, Mrs Julia Langford, directly if you wish.

Find Us

The Ryleys School is set in Alderley Edge, within the heart of Cheshire, close to the villages of Wilmslow, Knutsford and  Prestbury.

Just 15 miles from Manchester centre, 5 miles from Manchester Airport, 12 miles from the M6 and 4 miles from the M56, making the school easily accessible.

Explore The Ryleys School: