From The Head - Friday 30th June 2023

From The Head - Friday 30th June 2023

While going through the process of updating our website and school literature recently, we spent significant time reviewing our shared values and what it means to be a Rylesian.

The values should be evident in daily life and be a living and breathing part of the school, not just a bolt-on or a strap-line. They should provide a focal point for everyone in the community to work towards and adhere to, and have real meaning.

A school's values and ethos are the bedrock of any setting. When meeting with prospective families, this is often part of the discussion I have as it is important that those values are aligned as they form a critical part of the pupil, parent and staff experience in school. 

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A desire to learn; a global perspective; a committed team player; a generosity of spirit; and a quiet confidence - all truly inspirational values and qualities that are displayed on a daily basis in the school and will shape the pupils as they progress through their formative years into adulthood.

An excellent school should offer an education in life and for life, not just an academic provision, and working on these core values is an essential part of that and part of the fabric of the school. For that to happen, a school needs a heart and soul which is something The Ryleys certainly does.

Enjoy your weekend.