From The Head - Friday 23rd June 2023

From The Head - Friday 23rd June 2023

OriginalImage,OriginalThis week saw the celebration of National Writing Day and to recognise this, our fabulous Reception children and team used this as a focus for their brilliant class assembly this morning. We learned about the origins of writing as well as the children's knowledge about how to construct a sentence, what it includes, and what onomatopoeia is!

In school, we have a rigorous writing programme in place to ensure that the children develop excellent writing skills from a very young age which are well in advance of national norms and expectations. The process starts with securing a good pencil grip and then builds from there year on year so that the children can confidently express themselves on paper.

The ability to use words effectively and to be able to communicate via text is a powerful tool.  Words can have a dramatic impact on people: they can inspire or destroy, bring tears of emotion, joy or pain, convey love or regret, make us happy or sad.  However they may be used, they should always be used carefully and wisely. As playwright Edward Bulwer-Lytton famously quoted, "The pen is mightier than the sword"!

The power of words was very evident when Reception children took the time to write thoughtful notes, not only to those within our school community, but in the wider community as well. A host of local people in the village were the lucky recipients of a beautiful handwritten note which really did make their day. Kind words cost nothing and make such a positive impact on others. I will certainly treasure my lovely note from Poppy!

Have a wonderful weekend.