Burns Night | News | The Ryleys School, a private school in Cheshire

Burns Night

Burns Night at The Ryleys School, a prep school in CheshireOn Friday, pupils were offered the chance to sample a traditional Scottish meal of haggis, neeps and tatties followed by shortbread to celebrate Burns Night.

Every year on January 25th, Scots celebrate Burns' Night. This is the night to celebrate the life and works of Robert Burns, a poet and lyricist, and arguably one of Scotland's most notable figures.

The haggis has long been a part of Scottish folklore and is often used as a symbol of Scottish culture. According to legend, wild haggis is a shy and elusive creature that can only be caught by skilled hunters. It is said that they have a clockwise and counter clockwise leg configuration, allowing them to run swiftly in both directions around the mountains.

Pupils loved the neeps and tatties (mashed swede and potatoes) but it’s fair to say the jury is out on haggis for a few of them! Thank you to Chef Adam and our kitchen team for making our menu so varied throughout the year.

Address to a Haggis, Robert Burns

"Fair fa’ your honest, sonsie face, Great Chieftain o’ the Puddin-race! Aboon them a’ ye tak your place, Painch, tripe, or thairm: Weel are ye wordy of a grace As lang ‘s my arm."

English Translation...

"Good luck to you and your honest, plump face, Great chieftain of the sausage race! Above them all you take your place, Stomach, tripe, or intestines: Well are you worthy of a grace As long as my arm."