Bookworms Are Real

Bookworms Are Real

Bookworms Are Real, author visit to Early Years students at The Ryleys School, a private school in Alderley Edge, CheshireThis week the author Hilary Robinson visited Reception and Year One. The children were captivated by her story of how she became an author. Her first book ‘Sarah the Spider’ was written to help her daughter get over her fear of spiders!

Hilary shared a few of her stories and the children then took part in a Q and A session where they asked some really thoughtful questions.

A big thank you to Mrs Duckworth for arranging this visit as part of the Book Worms Book club. The Book Club is a great opportunity to borrow and review a wide range of lovely books. This began very successfully last year in Recep- tion and Year One and will shortly be rolled out to other years. Further details can be found on the Book Worms website.

If you still have any Book Worms books at home from last year please can these be returned to Mrs Owen.

Author Hilary Robson visited The Ryleys School, a private school in Cheshire, to meet Early years pupils and share her stories. Author Hilary Robson visited The Ryleys School, a private school in Cheshire, to meet Early years pupils and share her stories.