A-Z Head Pupil Guide | News | The Ryleys School, a private school in Cheshire

A-Z Head Pupil Guide

Head Pupils at The Ryleys School, a leading private school in CheshireWe have loved being at The Ryleys School.

It is a home away from home. It is a school that has helped us grow. It is a school that has helped us mature. It is a school that has recognised our talent and nurtured our souls.

It is hard to imagine being anywhere else. It is hard to imagine putting on another uniform. But we know we have had the very best start to our further education.

We have worked hard to be introspective young people. Leading lights in the personal development area that is key to our Ryleys ethos. So, we have written a little guide for you to apply to YOUR years you have left at The Ryleys.

It is our all-inclusive, completely comprehensive guide. A straight forward A-Z checklist that captures the essence of this marvellous school.

  • Amazing art lessons keep everyone entertained - a teacher who will be missed but always appreciated for her unique ways.
  • Beginning a new adventure each day as we walk through the gates hungry to learn from these expert educators.
  • Careful consideration of right and wrong, these essential morals that will set you up for future triumphs.
  • Dramatic drama lessons and plays that incorporate everyone, the biggest team effort with the best outcome.
  • Excellent academic lessons that push and challenge you to be the best version of yourself.
  • Fantastic friendships that make every day at school worthwhile and fun. Friendships that will last a lifetime.
  • Great games lessons and amazing sports fixtures. The chances gained and matches won have allowed us to evolve and develop in ways we never thought possible.
  • Happy atmosphere envelops us as we walk the halls and hear the laughter.
  • Incredible opportunities and trips: skiing, gardening, Roman forts and more. So many memories to remember and explore.
  • Jogging with the Pre Prep pupils for the Santa Dash and helping with sports day. Remembering how we all start off at this tiny stage and grow into proud Year 6 pupils.
  • Kit-car racing - a huge highlight for everyone. Hard work and fun all wrapped up an exciting day that we will never forget.
  • Learning different life lessons, the best preparation for what is to come.
  • Marvellous music traversing the corridors, always at the heart of our journey.
  • Never-ending tests and assessments but they’re all worthwhile. We learn and we are tested but we all always succeed.
  • Oscar winning plays like Oliver, a life lesson, a life goal, a life-long memory.
  • Practising handwriting for my pen licence, a proud moment and exciting new stationery.
  • Questions are being asked and answered and we are constantly being challenged.
  • Rising to the challenges with a positive mindset
  • Swimming in the school pool and enjoying our leavers’ party
  • Thanks and heartfelt gratitude to our parents for being our guides and giving us the best possible start in life. Your love and support mean the world to us and we love you very much.
  • Unique uniforms - the yellow stripes are now embedded on our hearts, wear your uniform with pride, be bold and smart and always stylish.
  • Votes have been counted and the new head of school is: Chloe W and she will be supported by Vaani P and Mason O as her deputies.
  • Waterhouse, Hoyle, Wilson and Elstob - these brave men’s names will always be part of our competitive sides.
  • X-Factor - we’ve got it and you’ve definitely got it - be brave to go the distance, to stand out, to be you and not blend in! YOU have what it takes to make each day great. You can be the change the world needs.
  • YOU can do anything you set your mind to because YOU are at the best school.
  • Zest for life, a zeal for learning because before you know it your time at The Ryleys will have zoomed by.

So you see fellow students, it really is as easy as ABC. Trust me, and me, if it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you. So, remember each new day allows us to ‘begin again’ and if not now, when?

Thank you everyone for listening. Thank you teachers for all the memories. Thank you parents for all the love and finally, thank you Mrs Langford and Mrs Kirkbright for allowing us to be your Heads of School 2024!